A downloadable game for Windows


This game is a pre-pre-pre-alpha version of Colonizer, and was made in 4 days. I will continue developing Colonizer, and going to release it very soon. Full version will include a lot of new content: items, power-up's, new civilizations, gamemodes, achievements and etc.


You can vote for the full version at Greenlight now!:


Ваша планета взорвется через 15 минут! Вы должны спасти население Земли. Для этого вам предоставляется космический корабль. Вы можете летать в пределах своей Солнечной Системы (Каждый раз генерируется рандомно).

Требуется отыскивать планеты, максимально подходящие для проживания на них людей. Планеты должны содержать кислород, воду и почву. Изначально, не обо всех планетах известна информация. Для этого нужно сбросить бота на планеты, который в течении 30 секунд будет собирать информацию о ней. Если отствует какой-то из требуемых компонентов, нужно использовать генераторы Кислорода/Воды/Почвы. Их можно купить в специальных магазинах, расположенных на планетах-мастерских.

Некоторые планеты уже заняты другими цивилизациями: Динозаврами, Космическими Пиратами и Инопланетянами. Первых достаточно просто уничтожить, для опустошения планеты. Во других случаях можно действовать иначе:
1) Торговать своими людьми. Продать пиратам в рабы (0.2$), либо продать пришельцам для биотоплива (0.3$)
2) Уничтожить их башню.
Изначально цивилизации дружелюбные к вашему кораблю, до тех пор, пока вы не выстрелите в них.

WASD - перемещение
SPACE - залететь на планету
F - сбросить людей
Z - сбросить бота
X,C,V - сбросить генераторы

R - Рестарт

Вся графика и код сделаны мною за неделю. Музыка позаимствована у https://soundcloud.com/mcmangos/symphonic-tapeworm...
Не всё успел реализовать, что хотелось-бы. Баланс цен на планете-мастерской пока отсутствует.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, Exploration, Space


space.exe 3.2 MB


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Game Over
You saved 10000  people.

Press R to restart


Я кстати из Украины))


i have a suggestion, there should be a gamemode that when earth explodes and you have at least one full playet collinized, you can keep playing nto expand the human race more,

i look and hope for criticizm


많은 저사양 무료 게임들을 플레이 하고 있습니다.

유튜브 채널< 관심있으신 분들은 들어오셔서 봐주세요 :)


I agree with BlakeBit, I think it would be better if the colonies that you started would expand and grow, with you being able to take crew with them, and changing the motive to colonizing the solar system, or at least adding a game mode that allows that.


i have a suggestion, there should be a gamemode that when earth explodes and you have at least one full playet collinized, you can keep playing nto expand the human race more,

i look and hope for criticizm


What do the workshop planets look like

(Right click in google chrome, then click "Translate")

Your planet will explode in 15 minutes! You must save the Earth's population. To do this, you are given a spaceship. You can fly within its solar system (generated randomly each time).

We wanted to find a planet, the most suitable for living people on them. Planets must contain oxygen, water and soil. Initially, not all planets known information. To do this, you need to reset the bot on the planet, which is within 30 seconds will collect the information about it. If otstvuet some of the required components, you use generators Oxygen / Water / Soil. They can be bought in special shops, located on-workshops planets.

Some planets are already occupied by other civilizations: Dinosaurs, aliens and space pirates. The first simply to destroy, for the devastation of the planet. In other cases, you can act differently:
1) trade their people. Sell pirates in slaves ($ 0.2), or to sell the aliens for biofuels ($ 0.3),
2) destroy their tower.
Initially civilization friendly to your vehicle, as long as you do not shoot at them.

WASD has - movement
SPACE - to fly to the planet
F - to lose people
Z - (reset) bot
X, C, V - reset generators


Nice game!

I have saved all the people :D

Your planet will explode through 15 minutes! You must save the population of the Earth. To do this, you are provided with a space ship. You can fly within its solar system (each time random is generated).

You want to find the planet, maximum suitable for them. The world must contain oxygen, water and soil. Initially, not all the planets known information. To do this, you must reset the BOT on the planet, that within 30 seconds will collect information about it. If otstvuet some of the required components, you must use oxygen generators/water/soil. You can buy them in specialty stores located on planets-workshops.

Some planets are already occupied by other civilizations: Dinosaurs, space pirates and aliens. The first simply enough to destroy, to the devastation of the planet. In other cases, you can act differently:

1) to trade their people. Sell pirates in slaves (0.2 $) or sell newcomers for biofuels (0.2 $)

2) Destroy their Tower.

Initially, the civilization friendly to your ship, until you shoot at them.



Space fly to planet

F-reset people

Z-reset bot

X, C, V-reset generators

Deleted 8 years ago

Thanks for translating :)

https://youtu.be/4Qdq6CLvGfM made a video on it, i hope this gets big


Hey, if anyone wants it, I just stuck controls in google translate so this is english version

WASD - movement
SPACE - to fly to the planet
F - throw people
Z - throw the bot
X, C, V - reset generators

R - Restart

But before you get mad at me, I only used google translate.

Help me plz, i cant upload the game bc each time i try to open it says 'deleted'

What will the final version have, and when will it be released?

How to charge oxygen / water / trees?

But them on metal shop-planets for money

Please make the R key to save the game or something because i am a Firts person shooter gamer and I press the R key all the time and restart my game so please change it thx

Im a bit confused how do i get onto that planets?

Press Space


like the nastalgic sounds


I loved the concept, it just had some flaws.

What I'd love to see in the full version is a diplomancy system, so you can ally with the aliens, I tried to do this by placing humans there so they could become friends or something, but that didnt work.

Another thing I'd love to see is a tutorial. So I know what to do. I could only create an atmosphere on 1 planet and then boom, I couldnt do it anymore, which became boring in the long run.

the graphics, please dont change it. It looks so pretty

Overall good job, waiting for full release!


Yep, there will be a diplomacy system. The planet system will be generated with different civs, each of them having random type of relations with each other (3 levels - friendly, neutral and hostile). By completing additional missions for neutral civs you can make them friendly, but I haven't yet decided, what's the differences between friendly/neutral type of relation.

Sounds awesome, any ideas of when final release?



i waiting for the full version

when the full version will come

Around February


Отличная игра.

Хорошая идея и Подача,Отличный Геймплэй и прикольная пиксельная графика.Только сделаёте ещё чтобы после взрыва земли ты продолжал играть и строил цивилизацию


Отличная игра! Продолжай разработку!


It's fantastic!


I like your game.Please keep work at this game